Nathanael Myers / NYC + London


The QUE(E)RY builds bridges of reconciliation with the LGBTQIA+ community and the Church through open conversation, cultivating fellowship and faith.

  • Building bridges of reconciliation with the LGBTQIA+ community and the Church, the QUE(E)RY is a safe space for group conversations amongst those who identify to find fellowship and faith.

  • The attempts of understanding my faith and sexuality in my teenage years, lead to the deconstruction of my faith, seeking spirituality in queer culture, yet a simultaneous deep dive into apologetics with the simple pursuit of answering “why me?” Through beautiful sovereignty, I found confidence in my voice when in partnership with the Holy Spirit, dismantling fear of spiritual leadership by a prophetic word, I experienced a series of unlockings helping me understand identity hierarchy, the needed change for queer evangelism, and a resonate reminder that God’s love is rooted deeper than human skepticism. Reinvigorated by a faith based-community, I felt called to provide the community that I had yearned for in adolescence. Empowered by the human desire to be seen, the QUE(E)RY seeks to provide international chapters of safe conversational spaces to embrace the wide spectrum of those who identify as queer, centered on the hope that Jesus provides amongst the contending communities.

  • There is misalignment amongst the Church and the queer community. A lack of outreach, healthy dialogue, and support for those who identify as both Christian and queer. While a tarnished and bruised view of the Church at large as led many queer folk to find spirituality in a worldly sense. We have an opportunity to show the love of Jesus to both communities balancing conviction and compassion.

  • Empowered by the human desire to be seen, the QUE(E)RY acts as a welcome mat for queer folk to re-approach a church setting, there is an opportunity for a setting that operates outside of a Statement of Faith but orients itself under a Statement of Identity. Foremost centered on Christ, embracing the wide spectrum of those who identify as queer, the Q uniquely approaches evangelism regardless of identification and denomination.

  • Nate Myers is a creative dabbler and advocate for interdisciplinary study, viewing design as the communication vehicle for the arts and sciences. His artistic pursuits formalize recently through stained-glass, immersive story-telling, and crafting space for community. He is currently pursing a master's degree in Bio-Integrated Architecture at the University College of London, stage-designing and choreographing a production of Sweeney Todd summer '23, and is at the helm of the QUE(E)RY.