Matthew Childers / West Palm Beach
Ryan Secrest / San Diego


We provide Christian workers across the globe with effective tools for long term financial planning and ministry longevity.

  • TALENTA develops contextualized & theologically robust financial literacy education for Christian workers and then incentivizes long term financial stability by providing a secure way for Christian workers to save, match, & multiply funds for their future.

  • We have been blessed with careers that have given us a network of friendships around the world. The global church is vibrant and experiencing explosive growth in many places. Yet, for reasons outside their control, many of our friends struggle to plan financially. Heightened volatility to currency devaluation, financial market instability, and susceptibility to hyper inflation make long term planning (personally & organizationally) virtually impossible. The inability of our friends to plan financially is having an adverse systemic effect not only on our friends but the donors who support them, the organizations they represent, and the communities they serve. For many places around the globe, if a local ministry fails/stumbles, there are significant impacts on the community at large (for example, if a local church runs the only medical clinic in a region). For us, helping our friends plan financially will not only help them, but magnify Christian ministry around the globe.

  • We seek to creatively use finance and education to help developing world Christian workers financially plan for the future.The inability of Christian workers to plan financially is having an adverse effect not only on the worker themselves, but the organizations they represent, the donor, and even the broader communities they seek to serve.

  • TALENTA sees itself as part of the solution to a felt need by an estimated 12 million developing world Christian workers. It also sees an opportunity to help magnify Christian mission by helping to steward a largely ignored 'market' valued at well over $1 billion per year.

  • Matt has been in some sort of ministry leadership since middle school and has successfully helped start multiple nonprofits. His career has taken him around the globe and has been called upon to lend his voice as a creative consultant for many influential Nonprofit and for profit organizations like OneHope, Habitat for Humanity, Virgin Voyages, Toyota, and Hyatt Hotels. His work has been featured in places like Relevant, Forbes, Travel & Leisure, & Thrillist. (LinkedIn)

    Ryan has over a decade of international leadership experience and has excelled equally in the spheres of ministry, businesses and academia. Early in his career, he co-authored a ministry design curriculum that has since been translated into multiple languages and used to train thousands of Christian workers across the globe. Simultaneously, Ryan leads his family’s construction company and has built a successful wine education business. (LinkedIn)